The Water Librarians' Home Page Links to water resources and environmental engineering sites, including "water agencies, water reference databases, comprehensive water pages, regional issues, and water mailing lists." New and favorite sites are highlighted. Compiled by a California water agency librarian. Other links lead to science, government, and general reference library sites. URL:
Swedish Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering (JTI)Homepage of the Swedish Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering (JTI), which is a resource for research, development and information within the areas of agriculture, environmental conservation, energy production and waste management. This site provides information on the JTI, its organisation, services, aims and activities. Brief information is provided on JTI research interests and staff contact details are available. The JTI annual report can be freely viewed online in both Swedish and English, and JTI research reports are provided in Swedish with English summaries. A collection of links to related Web resources is provided. The site can be viewed in English and Swedish.
Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE)Information about the Journal of Environmental Engineering, by ASCE, as well as tables of contents and abstracts from January 1995, is available from this website. It is possible to search all issues and non-subscibers can purchase articles online.
The journal provides broad interdisciplinary information on the practice and status of research in environmental engineering science, systems engineering and sanitation. Papers highlight various engineering solutions and professional responsibilities concerning the design, development, management and governmental policies of engineering methods; societal impacts of waste water collection and treatment; and the fate and transport of contaminants on watersheds, in surface waters, ground water, soil, and the atmosphere.
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of SouthamptonThe Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Southampton has four research divisions: Transportation, The Environment, Infrastructure and Hydraulics. These conduct research in areas such as asset management, energy, coastal and offshore engineering, engineering for development, geotechnics, irrigation, pollution control, wastewater engineering, waste management, wave power and transportation.
The site includes information on undergraduate and postgraduate courses as well as details of research programmes. There is a news section and also a list of publications from 1996 with some abstracts and a few full-text versions in PDF or Word format. The site can be searched.
Geothermal Energy Research : Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL)This is the official site of the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory's (INEEL) Geothermal Program. Their mission '... is to work in partnership with U.S. industry to establish geothermal energy as an economically competitive contributor to the U.S. energy supply. INEEL is the lead laboratory for the US Department of Energy (DOE) Geothermal Energy Program's geoscience research and also coordinates the international geothermal program for DOE as well as both managing and performing research and development activities on many of the other major activities in DOE's Geothermal Program, including the heat cycle, enhanced geothermal systems, and exploration programs.' This page provides information on what geothermal energy is, links to publications, maps, software and further web links.
Environmental engineering applications of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), fall 2004 : 1.963This web page forms part of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) OpenCourseWare project, the material for this course (1.963, Fall 2004) includes a syllabus, lecture notes (in PDF format), labs, and related resources. "This graduate seminar is taught in a lecture and lab exercise format. The subject matter is tailored to introduce Environmental Engineering students to the use and potential of Geographic Information Systems in their discipline. Lectures will cover the general concepts of GIS use and introduce the material in the exercises that demonstrate the practical application of GIS. This class contains lectures and lab sessions with instruction in how to use GIS software. Any references to "Athena" refer to MIT's campus-wide, UNIX based computing environment, on which the GIS software is run. The GIS software is not provided on this site." olcivil: the online library of civil & environmental engineeringThis is a directory of freely available civil and environmental engineering resources. Resources include open source software, ebooks, photographs and technical drawings. Access to some parts of the site restricted to registered users. Registration is free.
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at University College LondonThe Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UCL includes the following research groups: structural engineering, including earthquake engineering; soil mechanics; concrete technology; environmental fluids and coastal engineering; environmental emgimeering; transport studies; and the Centre for Nonlinear Dynamics and Its Applications.
The site provides information about the department, members of staff, courses, and research activities.
Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering at the University of Dublin Trinity CollegeThe Department of Civil Engineering at Trinity College has recently expanded to include Structural and Environmental Engineering. At present there are a number of research groups that are operating in Trinity College. Topics include environmental engineering, geotechnics, structures, and transportation.
The site provides information about the department, staff, courses and research activities.
Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering at the University of CambridgeCivil, Structural and Environmental Engineering (Division D) is one of six sectors into which the Engineering Department of Cambridge University is divided. The three main interest groups within the Division are: geotechnical engineering, petroleum engineering, and structural engineering (bridge research group, deployable structures lab, and new materials research group)
The site provides information about the division, teaching and research activities. Abstracts of Ph.D. Thesis and a few full-text papers are available.
Journal of Environmental Engineering and ScienceThe Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science is a bi-monthly publication produced by the National Research Council Canada (NRC). It is affiliated with the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering and provides a forum for the dissemination of environmental research, encouraging interdisciplinary research collaboration to address environmental problems. It addresses all aspects of environmental engineering and applied environmental science.
The site gives access to the tables of contents of all issues of the journal since its launch in January 2002 as well as abstracts. The full-text (in PDF format) is available to subscribers or on a pay-per-view basis. A sample issue is available and author information is given. Affiliated journals are listed along with monographs and conference proceedings published by the NRC.
Department of Environmental and Mechanical Engineering at the Open UniversityThe Department of Environmental and Mechanical Engineering at the Open University conducts research spanning the whole range of the discipline of engineering mechanics and environmental engineering under the following headings: applied mechanics, environmental and musical acoustics (which has its own pages with some downloadable publications); lubrication research; resource and energy conservation and utilisation, and air pollution monitoring.
The site provides details of the courses on offer and an introduction to the research areas.
Environmental Science and Engineering MagazineEnvironmental Science and Engineering Magazine focuses on industrial/municipal waste water, hazardous wastes, air pollution and drinking water treatment for environmental engineers.
The website provides full-text of selected articles, an index and some articles from past issues and it includes a facility to subscribe to the printed version of the journal.
Davidson Laboratory in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Ocean Engineering at Stevens Institute of TechnologyThe Davidson Laboratory is a Hydrodynamic and Ocean Engineering research centre and is based at Stevens Institute of Technology, New Jersey. The Laboratory carries out research into marine craft development and testing, as well as advanced research in coastal engineering, marine environmental engineering and underwater acoustics.Current research includes physical and computer modeling of artificial reefs to be used for shore protection and fish habitats, monitoring of artificial reefs in the field using high resolution hydrologic surveys, and laboratory investigation of the effect of surface waves and turbulence on the dispersion of oil spills. Information is given on these projects, and other ongoing research and projects, including the Coastal Protection Technical Assistance Service, and the Coastal Monitoring Network, which has information on coastal conditions in Avalon, New Jersey. Links to other coastal engineering and marine hydrodynamics websites are given.
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of EdinburghThe School of Civil and Environmental Engineering (General) is part of the Division of Engineering in the Faculty of Science and Engineering at the University of Edinburgh. Research groups include Silos, Structures, Geotechnics and Non-Destructive-Testing, Water and Environment, Fire Safety, Construction and Project Managemenet and Medical Engineering.
The site provides general departmental information and includes details of research, staff and degree courses. The research pages give lists of publications, the text of which can be downloaded in various formats.
Environmental and Engineering Geophysical SocietyThe Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (EEGS) was formed in 1992 by a change of name and focus of the Colorado based Society for Engineering and Mineral Exploration Geophysicists. The membership of the Society are active in applying geophysical methods to environmental engineering problems.
The site contains membership information, details of the annual Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to engineering and environmental problems, a list of geophysical equipment vendors, software vendors and companies, links to the EEGS Newsletter, and reports of research. Links to related sites are provided.
Subsurface Science Initiative of the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental LaboratoryThe Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory's Subsurface Science Initiative researches subsurface contaminant fate and transport for improved protection of aquifers.
The site explains about the initiative, its proponents, collaborations, contacts etc. It describes the challenges of predictive modelling, coupled phenomena, scaling and characterisation and details of current projects across a variety of geoscience, biotechnical, fossil energy and environmental INEEL sectors. It discusses the four types of subsurface contaminant problems: mixed-waste burial grounds, contaminated vadose zones, contaminated soils and mixed-contaminant fumes. Other information covers mesoscale laboratory and centrifuge facilities, opportunities and related links.
Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering : Dr. Hubert Chanson's Gallery of PhotographsMore than 900 fully documented photographs of structures and phenomena in the fields of fluid mechanics, hydraulic and environmental engineering are available here in JPEG format, provided by the Reader in Environmental Fluid Mechanics and Water Engineering at the University of Queensland, Australia.
The site also provides detailed and fully referenced overview articles of related subjects, including histories and technical descriptions of particular types of dams and weirs etc, with links to further information.
MIT OpenCourseWare - Civil and Environmental EngineeringThis site is part of MIT OCW, which provides free, searchable access to MIT's course materials. Courses in this section include "Introduction to Computers and Engineering Problem Solving", "Transport Processes in the Environment", "Wave Propagation", and "Logistical and Transportation Planning Methods".
Individual course pages include a syllabus, lecture notes, assignments, required reading lists, exam papers, links to related resources, tools and projects, and simulations as appropriate.
Environmental Data Interactive Exchange (EDIE)Edie is a free, interactive news, information and communications service for environmental professionals, provided by Faversham House Group.
The portal site includes a diary of events, information about related magazines: the monthly magazine Industrial Environmental Management, the controlled circulation journal Local Authority Waste and Environment, Water and Waste Treatment; and World Water and Environmental Engineering. These all have their editorial and some features and reports available full-text. There is also information about Water Products and Environmental Products magazines. In adddition the full-text of the EIC Guide is available online with some technical papers. Several discussion groups are also available.
The searchable reference library, which requires free registration, provides weekly news summaries, a searchable news archive, a feature article archive, current reference documents, and a technology database for equipment in the environmental and water sectors. The Job Centre, which requires free registration and a browser supporting Java, allows free posting of jobs offered and wanted, as well as an email jobfinder service. A software guide allows to find and compare products and make direct contact with suppliers. There is also an environmental search engine: powersearch, which only searches specialised environmental websites.
Institute for Water EducationIHE conducts scientific research and provides postgraduate education and training in the fields of water, the environment and physical infrastructure. It is divided into 5 departments: Water Engineering, Environmental Resources, Management and Institutions, Municipal Infrastructure and Hydroinformatics and Knowledge Management.
The site gives information about the institute, staff, courses, and information for prospective students. Research programmes and topics, are also detailed with information on the various research projects. Some papers are available from the author's home page.
Engineer forumThis forum site includes discussion groups covering general engineering, biomedical engineering, civil and structural engineering, computer science, geotechnical and chemical engineering, electrical engineering, environmental engineering, industrial engineering and mechanical engineering.
Recent posts in all areas can be viewed separately.
The Civil EngineerThe Civil Engineer is provided by a graduate student in Geotechnical Engineering, at the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at the University of California at Berkeley. The stated purpose of the site is to be an area where Civil Engineering students and engineers will have a chance to increase their experiences and their resources.
The site is divided into sections for structural, geotechnical, hydraulics, environmental and transport engineering and engineering management. There is also a section on more general civil engineering. Each section contains sub-sections of: a virtual engineering page (case studies, photos, diagrams, maps etc); learn-by-hyperlinks (reports, abstracts, articles or any other material whose purpose is to teach or inform students or professional engineers about specific subjects); web applications; discussion lists; online free books and papers; and, in some cases, journals, histories and other links. There is also an online newsletter which can be subscribed to for free. This site does not work well in Netscape.
Southampton University Research Institute for Sustainability and the Environment (SUnRISE)This site provides information about the aims of SUnRISE to carry out, manage and disseminate the results of research into solid waste management, waste minimisation, environmental pollution, control, and remediation of derelict land. This includes details of projects and events.
SUnRISE Ltd is registered as an Environmental Body under the Landfill Tax Credit Scheme; through this scheme SUnRISE has funded waste management projects carried out by researchers in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Southampton, and at other organisations.
Links to environmental statistics and environmental research programsThis site was compiled by the University of Washington, National Research Centre for Statistics and Environment (NRSCE), coupled with the International Envirometrics Society (TIES). It aims to provide a platform for multi-disciplinary interaction of statistical analysis to that of environmental concerns, fostering the development and use of statistical and other quantitative methods in the environmental sciences, environmental engineering and environmental monitoring and protection. This page contains links to many relevant institutes, societies, journals and government organisations concerned with environmental issues and their evaluation using statistics.
Properties of civil engineering materials CE60This website is from the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, University of California. The lecture notes include the following subject areas, atomic structure and bonding, crystal structures, alloys and their phase diagrams, equilibrium microstructure of steel alloys, phase transformations, heat treatment of steel alloys, quenched and tempered steel and wood. The notes are in PDF format; Adobe Reader required.
Groundwater pollution primer : soil and groundwater pollution : CE 4594This primer was created by Daniel L.Gallagher Associate Professor at The Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg. "The Ground Water Pollution Primer is an ongoing project by students in the Civil Engineering Department and Crop and Soil Environmental Science Department at Virginia Tech. Each term, students in one or more classes are required to write a web page on a topic of their choice dealing with ground water pollution. These pages are collected and incorporated into the Primer". It includes chapters on, sources of pollution, types and transport of contaminants, fate of contaminants, models, remediation, monitoring, legal aspects and a miscellaneous section which includes artificial recharge of groundwater and saltwater intrusion.
Groundwater hydrology water resources engineering : CE 516Hydrology is concerned with the study of water as it moves through permeable and semi-permeable, porous earth materials, at or below the Earth's surface. This web page is presented by Dr Diane Foster, Assistant Professor Civil and Environmental Engineering and Geodetic Science, at Ohio State University and presents theory regarding the transport of waters in the Earth's subsurface, that which is known as groundwater. The resource is presented in PDF format (which requires the use of Adobe Acrobat Reader software to view). The text is supported by illustrations and data tables, where relevant.
Mechanics of Material Systems : an Energy ApproachThe MIT Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering provide this course (1.033/1.57 Mechanics of Material Systems: An Energy Approach, Fall 2003), which is part of the MIT OpenCourseWare project. Lecture notes (in PDF format, Adobe Reader required) cover: deformation, strain, momentum balance, stress, thermoelasticity, variational methods, plasticity and plasticity models, limit analysis and yield design. Java-based Mohr and Stefani simulators are provided (Java-enabled browser required).
Solid Mechanics LaboratoryThis course (1.105 Solid Mechanics Laboratory, Fall 2003) is provided by the MIT Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering as part of the MIT OpenCourseWare project. Notes (in PDF format, Adobe Reader required) are provided for laboratory experiments including: failure strain in spaghetti, static equilibrium for a weight suspended from a cable, elastic modulus of steel, truss structure displacement, concrete failure, beam deflection and stresses, and elastic buckling.
Polymers and Fiber Reinforced Polymeric CompositesThis site produced by Dr Kimberly Kurtis, an Assistant Professor at the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology, contains lecture notes on polymers and fibre reinforced polymeric composites. The notes include detailed information on polymer structure, polymerisation, classification, liquid crystals, properties, crazing, durability, and fibre reinforced polymers (FRP) or composites. The notes are in PDF format (Adobe Reader required).
Geodesy at Ohio State UniversityThis is the website of the research in Geodesy at The Ohio State University's Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Geodetic Science. The research includes wide range of applications such as Global Positioning System (GPS), GPS-Buoy sea level monitoring, maintenance and realization of the terrestrial reference frame, the study of Earth system dynamics and its role in global climate change Earth's gravity field and its changes, Earth's variable rotation, oceanic circulation, ice sheet and glacier mass balance, hydrological circulation, and air-sea interactions.
Groundwater hydrology, fall 2005 : 1.72The MIT Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering provides this course, 1.72 Groundwater Hydrology, Fall 2005, as part of the MIT OpenCourseWare project. The website for this course includes a course overview, calendar, suggested readings, case studies and field trip reports. The lecture notes cover: the water balance equation, aquifers, porosity and Darcy's law, hydraulic head, fluid potential, continuity and flow nets, groundwater flow patterns, groundwater/surface water interactions, transient systems and groundwater storage, pump test analysis, numerical modelling, superposition, solute transport and soil moisture. All lectures are in PDF format (Acrobat Reader necessary).
Harnessing Geothermal EnergyThis website created by the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) contains detailed information about some of the ways of harnessing geothermal energy from the Earth's crust. These include: dry steam, flash steam and binary cycle systems. A description of each process is given which is supplemented with photographs and figures. Links to geothermal research, publications, further sites and maps provided in JPG and PDF format (the latter requiring the use of Adobe Acrobat Reader to view) and software are provided.
Civil Engineering Materials LaboratoryThis Web page is from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) OpenCourseWare project and is provided by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. It is a module home page for the subject of civil engineering materials. The course (1.103 Civil Engineering Materials Laboratory, Spring 2004) is taught by Dr John Germaine. The Web page includes a description of the course, videos of laboratory demonstrations (RealOne Player required) and laboratory notes which are provided in PDF format (Adobe Reader required). Subjects covered include: measurement devices and data acquisition, tensile testing and stress/strain properties of steels, mechanical properties of different material types, direct shear and friction, compression, soil classification and heat treatment.
Natural Resource, Agriculture and Engineering Service (NRAES)NRAES is a programme sponsored by cooperative extension of fourteen land grant universities in the northeast USA aimed at widening the dissemination of knowledge in the fields of agriculture, natural resources management and biological and environmental engineering. Its principle activities are book publishing and organising conferences. The site includes details of past conferences, a complete catalogue of publications available and guidance for prospective authors.
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