lunes, 27 de mayo de 2013

An Inquiry-Based Introduction to Proofs

An Inquiry-Based Introduction to Proofs: Introduction to Proofs is a Free undergraduate text. It is inquiry-based, sometimes called the Moore method or the discovery method. It consists of a sequence of exercises, statements for students to prove, along with a few definitions and remarks.

Funky Mechanics Concepts

Funky Mechanics Concepts: The purpose is to develop an accurate physical, conceptual, geometric, and pictorial understanding of important mechanics topics, from basic principles through Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics, including rotation, oscillations, and more.

Introduction to Representations of Real Semisimple Lie Groups

Introduction to Representations of Real Semisimple Lie Groups: These are lecture notes for a one semester introductory course I gave at Indiana University. The goal was to make this exposition as clear and elementary as possible. A particular emphasis is given on examples involving SU(1,1).

Business Communication: Achieving Results

Business Communication: Achieving Results: What is effective communication and how can it be put into practice in business? The book answers this question by first examining contributions of major theorists in the subjects of semantics, linguistics and organizational communication.