martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012

Counselling Skills: Managing People Problems at Work

Counselling Skills: Managing People Problems at Work: This book introduces you to the 'counselling approach', which is a managerial way of counselling staff. It explains that treating people with dignity, respect, and valuing, is the only course that can succeed in the 21st century.

Advanced Graph Theory and Combinatorial Optimization

Advanced Graph Theory and Combinatorial Optimization: From the table of contents: Shortest trees and branchings; Matchings and covers; Edge-colouring; Multicommodity flows and disjoint paths; Matroids; Perfect matchings in regular bipartite graphs; Minimum circulation of railway stock.

Iterative Methods in Combinatorial Optimization

Iterative Methods in Combinatorial Optimization: This book describes a simple method that is iterative in essence, and useful in a variety of settings for exact and approximate optimization. The authors highlight the commonality and uses of this method to prove a variety of classical results.