GeoengineerResources and educational information for geoengineering practice and research are available through this resource guide. In addition the International Journal of Geoengineering Case Histories and the Geoengineer Newsletter are available.
The following sections can be browsed: the virtual geoengineer (which include photos, diagrams and maps), online free books and papers, educational links and data, top ten papers in geoengineering discplines, related journals, history of geotechnical engineering, a photo gallery, and discussion lists and newsgroup. A diary of events is also available.
GeotechLinksGeotechLinks provides links to online free books, manuals, thesis, papers, software and other resources in geotechnical engineering. geo&soft international meeting pageThe geo&soft international meeting page is a is a free meeting announcement offered by geo&soft international and PASI geophysics for events in geology, geophysics and geoengineering
The site provides description of geological, geophysical, and geoengineering meeting or congress, arranged by subject, country or date. There is also a meeting submission form.
Links can be browsed by topic and cover soil mechanics, rock mechanics, foundation engineering, dam engineering, ground improvement, soil dynamics, geotechnical earthquake engineering, geotechnical investigations, numerical methods, rheology of geomaterials, geosynthetics, environmental geotechnics, tunnel engineering and engineering geology
International Tunnelling AssociationPosition papers are provided by the International Tunnelling Association (ITA), an organisation concerned with the use, design, construction and safety of tunnels and underground space. A complete archive of the table of contents of the newsletter, Tribune, is available. Full-text requires membership or subscription.
Full-text of special issues of Tribune are included. The table of contents and abstracts to the journal, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, are given. Membership or subscription is, again, required for full-text. A full-text technical report on geoengineering underground space is available. There are also full-text reports from various working groups and a list of their publications. Additionally, information on tunnelling education, a discussion forum requiring registration, an events calendar and membership information are supplied.
International Association for Engineering Geology and the EnvironmentInformation about its official journal is provided by the International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG), an organisation concerned with teaching, research and dissemination of results in this field. Abstracts to this quarterly journal, the Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, are given. Full-text requires membership or subscription through the publishers, Springer.
Full-text of some back issues of the IAEG Newsletter are provided. It is published twice yearly for members. Information on the activities of various commissions and working groups are given. An events calendar provides details of sponsored international meetings, symposia and conferences. Also provided, is a list of international organisations co-operating with IAEG in the areas of geosciences and geoengineering. National groups contact details are included along with membership and awards information.
China Geological Survey (CGS)
The official site of the China Geological Survey (CGS), a bureau of the Chinese Ministry of Land and Natural Resources. The site describes the main duties and roles of the CGS within mineral exploration, assessment of mineralogical resources, geological investigation and dissemination of research in China. Users can access information regarding geology, mineralogy and engineering approaches to mineral extraction, as well as information as to how to access the CGS databases. Southern California
Earthquake Data Center (SCEDC) "Searchable archive of earthquake data for research in seismology and earthquake engineering." Includes specialized research tools, general earthquake information (recent earthquakes, earthquake preparedness, searchable earthquake archive, clickable map of the faults of southern California), stations and instrumentation, educational resources, and some historical material. Sponsored by the Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC), U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and California Institute of Technology. URL:
Soils : Formation, Classification and Associated Concerns : Environmental Geology Lecture Outline : (GEOL 1010)This lecture is part of the Environmental Geology Course (GEOL 1010) provided by Dr Harmon D Maher Jr from the Department of Geography and Geology at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. The lecture notes provide definitions of soil, factors influencing soil formation, soil constituents, structures and classification of soils, together with agricultural, erosional and engineering concerns.
Frequently asked questions : Berkeley Seismological LaboratoryThis web page created by the Berkeley Seismological Laboratory (BSL) provides a series of links to a range of earthquake related information sources. These links include: glossaries of earthquake terms; current earthquake information; common myths and misconceptions about earthquakes; earthquakes; faults; plate tectonics; measuring earthquakes; earthquake effects; earthquake engineering and seismic hazards; historic earthquakes and earthquake statistics; nuclear explosions and seismology; Northern California geology and seismicity; questions and answers on earthquakes in other areas; other FAQs; and a section containing further resources.
Geological SocietyThe Geological Society website provides details of the membership, activities, publications and resources of the society whose aim is the promotion and dissemination of earth sciences information within both professional and public spheres. The publications page listings of the contents of recent issues of the following journals: Journal of the Geological Society; Journal of Micropalaeontology; Petroleum Geoscience; Proceedings of the Geologists' Association; Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society; Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology; Scottish Journal of Geology. Maintains a large number of active links to related Internet resources, including one to nearly 300 journal sites, some of which give access to full-text articles. Some information is only available to download in PDF format.
Teaching resources include leaflets downloadable in PDF and for order, an online field course and links to educational sites covering topics such as seismology and fossils. Details are provided of accredited first degree geoscience courses at UK universities as well as training, CPD and chartership information for working geoscientists. Job vacancies are listed.
Rem: Revista Escola de MinasThis site provides the full-text of all issues of this quarterly journal publishing technical and scientific works of national and foreign researchers in the fields of civil engineering, geology, metallurgy and materials and mining.
Most articles are in Portuguese but a few are published in English. Abstracts of all articles are available in both English and portuguese.***pid=0370-4467***lng=en***nrm=iso&handle=agnes.1085402782
GeotechLinksGeotechLinks provides links to online free books, manuals, thesis, papers, software and other resources in geotechnical engineering.
Links can be browsed by topic and cover soil mechanics, rock mechanics, foundation engineering, dam engineering, ground improvement, soil dynamics, geotechnical earthquake engineering, geotechnical investigations, numerical methods, rheology of geomaterials, geosynthetics, environmental geotechnics, tunnel engineering and engineering geology
The Dam SiteRichard Woodward's was a Senior Lecturer in Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology at the University of Papua New Guinea, and carried out several dam project. This site provides questions and answers about dams, dam news and links to related sites.
Camborne School of Mines at the University of ExeterThe Camborne School of Mines is part of the University of Exeter and is an internationally recognised centre for research related to the formation, discovery, extraction and utilisation of the Earth's natural resources, and subsequent land remediation.
The site gives information about the School and courses on offer. Research at the School is co-ordinated by three multidisciplinary groups: geomechanics; geology; and environmental and minerals engineering. Each group has a home page that details its research activities. Some publications are listed. Details of the research of the Waste Test Research Centre are also given.
Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Software DirectoryThe Geotechnical & Geo-environmental Software Directory catalogues over 1,426 programs in the fields of Geotechnical Engineering, Soil Mechanics, Rock Mechanics, Engineering Geology, Foundation Engineering, Hydrogeology, Geo-environmental Engineering, Data Analysis and Data Visualisation and lists over 800 worldwide suppliers and publishers of these programs. The Directory is provided as a free resource to all practising geotechnical and g eo-environmental engineers. Entries in the Directory are free for all commercial and non-commercial software publishers and suppliers. It is possible to browse the Directory online or download a compressed version by FTP.
Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI)Full-text downloadable documents are provided by the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI), a private foundation concerned with research and consulting in the geo sciences, including soil, rock and snow.
These documents supplement information given on the application of research findings to practice across the institute's main areas of activity - geotechnics, engineering geology, hydrogeology and environmental geotechnology, as well as material properties, modelling and analysis and instrumentation and monitoring. There are also video sequences of an avalanche and of a quick clay landslide in QuickTime. A bibliographic database of scientific articles by NGI staff is available for searching. The full-text articles can be ordered. News items are included.
INGEOKRINGThe Ingeokring represents the Netherlands Section of the International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG), represents the International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM) in the Netherlands, and is associated with the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering (ISSFME). The Ingeokring is also associated with the Royal Geological and Mining Society of the Netherlands (KNGMG).
The site gives brief information about the Association and contains the latest issue of their newsletter. The newsletter has abstracts of a number of articles published in full-text elsewhere. It also gives announcements of forthcoming meetings and conferences. Language predominently English though some sections only in Dutch.
Petroleum Journals OnlineThis journal site includes abstracts and full-text articles from ejournals of petrophysics, reservoir engineering, production geology, production engineering, drilling engineering and also petroleum management and economics in PDF and html formats.
There is a mailing list which users can sign up to in order to receive notifications of new articles. The site can be searched.
Council for Geoscience, South AfricaThe Council for Geoscience is based in South Africa and provides geoscience information and services, mostly geological, geophysical, metallogenic, geotechnical and geochemical mapping; surveys; mineral resource data collection; evaluation and assessment; engineering geological site investigations; seismic hazard assessment and groundwater investigations. Also palaeontology, GIS development, and compilation and publishing of geoscientific maps and publications in various formats. Downloadable information includes: the South African stratigraphy Committee (SACS) desktop database, isotope modelling software, image database software for zircon geochronology, and mineralogy calculation software. There are also announcements, publications, presentation and programmes and other links of related interests.
Earth Science : WWW Virtual LibraryThe virtual library for earth sciences is part of the World Wide Web virtual library. It provides links to a number of subject gateways listing Web resources, including: cartography and its history; geotechnical engineering; oceanography; palaeoclimatology and palaeoceanography; petroleum and geosystems engineering; remote sensing; soils and substrates; and urban environmental management.
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