miércoles, 16 de abril de 2008

Ingeniería Industrial

Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial EngineeringThis institute site includes details of projects to support companies in identifying appropriate technological, information and communication strategies for industrial engineering.
There is information about the Institute, research fields, projects and information centres, upcoming events and press releases (in German only) and a list of clients and partners. An online shop is available. Job vacancies and student placement opportunities are listed. http://www.iao.fraunhofer.de/index_e.hbs

Computer Integrated Manufacturing Laboratory in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the University of TorontoThe CIMLab contributes to general knowledge in the area of intelligent manufacturing by concentrating on the following major research themes: manufacturing control, autonomous robotics and design and manufacturing. Its website contains a brief introduction to the lab, its facilities, projects and personnel. Each of the project areas is described and includes illustrations and publications. A number of the latter are available in full-text. A virtual tour of the Lab is also offered, together with a photographic version. http://www.mie.utoronto.ca/labs/ciml/cim_home.html

Ergonomics in Teleoperation and Control Laboratory in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the University of TorontoThe ETC-Lab at the University of Toronto undertakes research in human factors and ergonomics issues related to telerobotics, stereoscopic displays, virtual reality and augmented reality. The ETC-Lab server provides information on personnel and research areas/projects. It also provides a publications list which can be viewed either complete or in one of a number of topical lists which include 6-DOF input devices and control issues, augmented reality, depth cue research in 3-D graphics, stereoscopic video, and teleoperation. Many of the publications are available online in hypertext, text, or Postscript formats. In addition, there are several MPEG demonstration videos available, including ones on virtual robot control and virtual telerobotic control over the Internet. The full list of publications also includes Master and PhD Theses and conference papers http://gypsy.rose.utoronto.ca/

World Wide Web Virtual Library: Industrial EngineeringThis resource guide includes lists of links to academic programs, publications, courses, conferences, databases, professional societies, software and commercial companies. There are also links to related WWWVL sites. http://www2.isye.gatech.edu/www-ie/

Engineer forumThis forum site includes discussion groups covering general engineering, biomedical engineering, civil and structural engineering, computer science, geotechnical and chemical engineering, electrical engineering, environmental engineering, industrial engineering and mechanical engineering.
Recent posts in all areas can be viewed separately. http://www.engineerforum.net/

Gestão & ProduçãoThe full-text of this journal, mostly in Portuguese, is available from this website. A few articles as well as all abstracts are published in English.
The aim of the journal is to publish original works, as well as the results of studies and researches, in the industrial engineering and operations management field. http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=0104-530X&lng=en&nrm=iso

Istec EngineeringRegistered users can download demo versions of this Uruguayan company's software packages. The main products are HiCalc, which aims to solve open channel flows with rectangular, trapezoidal or cylindrical section and some hydraulic structures, and HiTrans which is a water hammer modeling software to solve transient flows in pressurised pipes.
FAQ, specifications and user manuals are also available. In addition, a technical area is available, with some information on methods and procedures and a discussion board. Istrac also carries out consultation services in civil engineering, hydraulic and environmental engineering, transit engineering, industrial engineering, and technical attendance, control of quality and work management.

Angelo Farina's Home PageAngelo Farina is a researcher in the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Parma. His main research area is acoustics and more precisely, concert halls, musical instruments, subjective preference, auralisation, numerical models for large rooms (pyramid tracing), small cavities (finite elements) and outdoors (image sources). Also, advanced measurement techniques including sound intensity, MLS, modal analysis, and digital recording.
The site provides access to the pages of the various projects he is involved with, notably Ramsete, a computer program for the simulation of the acoustics of closed spaces; auralisation (virtual audio reconstruction) of ancient theatres, using Aurora, a software tool for measuring, filtering and convolving the Impulse Responses of theatres and other spaces which he also developed; and an application of the auralisation technique to car audio systems. The full-text of many of his papers is available in ps format or as zip files. http://pcfarina.eng.unipr.it/

McGraw-Hill Professional Bookstore: Engineering and ArchitectureThis publisher's site includes details of books and electronic publications covering aeronautics, astronautics, architecture, chemical and biochemical engineering, civil engineering, communications, construction, electrical and electronic engineering, environmental engineering, general engineering, industrial engineering, mechanical engineering and robotics.
There are updates, software tools, worksheets and other supporting material for publications which can be downloaded from the site. http://www.mhprofessional.com/category/?cat=113&promocode=

TEFENThe TEFEN Group, founded in Israel, is an international company dealing with industrial engineering and systems analysis. TEFEN offers products & services in continuous productivity improvement, modelling and design.
The site provides information about the company, its products and services, and research and development activities. The download page, which requires free registration, gives access to software demo and some slide shows and several full-text technical papers. http://www.tefen.com/

Engineering & Production Management ConsultantsEngineering & Production Management Consultants provide contract and permanent engineers to the automotive and components manufacturing industry throughout the British Isles. They specialise in the following fields: manufacturing engineering, industrial engineering, process engineering, plant engineering, facilities and layout engineering, project engineering, production engineering, product and design engineering, production and quality control services, and IT.
The site provides information about the company and its services and provides a list of current vacancies. http://www.engineering-production.co.uk/

IMA Journal of Management MathematicsThe IMA Journal of Management Mathematics is published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications. The journal covers financial modelling and risk analysis, model building and model optimization (both stochastic and deterministic), production processes, logistics and supply chain management, and decision making tools. The journal is aimed at departments of business studies, business schools and departments of industrial engineering, as well as mathematics departments with special interest in OR financial mathematics.
Content alerting is available and for subscribers full-text PDF versions of articles are accessible from 2001 issues on. Non-subscribers can view a table of contents and abstracts in HTML format from the 1996 issues on. Details of the editorial board, pricing and ordering information, information for authors and a sample copy are also available from the site. http://imaman.oxfordjournals.org/

The Effects of Automation on Team Performance and Team CoordinationThis is a North Carolina State University (NCSU), Department of Industrial Engineering PhD dissertation, by Melanie Clay Wright, dated 19 June, 2002. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effects of automation as applied to different stages of information processing on the performance and coordination of teams in a complex decision making task. A simulated Theatre Defense Task in which teams protect a home base from enemy attack was used as a test-bed for this evaluation. Four automation conditions were designed that compared different degrees of information acquisition, information analysis, and decision selection automation. The results of the experiment revealed that different forms of automation have different effects on teamwork. Bibliographic and abstract details are available in HTML format. The full text of the document is accessible online in PDF format [1.99 Mb]. This title is part of North Carolina State University's Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) Collection http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/theses/available/etd-06182002-202710/

School of Mechanical Engineering at Tsinghua UniversityThe School of Mechanical Engineering in Tsinghua University provides courses in engineering mechanics, industrial engineering, measurement and control technologies, thermal energy, vehicle and power engineering.
The site has details of the departments in the School and the courses on offer to students. http://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/eng/index.html

IngentaConnectIngenta Connect provides access to thousands of online journals from leading scholarly, academic and business publishers. The service covers publications in the following engineering disciplines: biotechnology, chemical engineering, construction, electrical, nuclear, civil, hydraulic, environmental, and industrial engineering, materials and manufacturing, mechanical engineering, mining, metallurgy and transportation.
Information and news releases about Ingenta are provided. The site allows you to browse or search all the authors, article titles, journal titles, abstracts, and main text of the articles on Ingenta Select using a word or phrase. Access to content is via A&I services, subscription agent gateways, and via library websites. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/

Remote Interactive Optimization TestbedThe Industrial Engineering and Operations Research Department at UC Berkeley produce RIOT. Its purpose is to provide interactive educational and research tools for optimisation problems, present algorithms developed locally, provide efficiency information for different algorithms that solve similar problems, and showcase applications to solve general or specific problems interactively via the WWW.
Public domain software packages and information about the software characteristics and performance (e.g. size limitation, speed) is available. Educational pages describe basic concepts about the algorithms covered and some interactive applications show the utility of select algorithms, e.g. vehicle routing and maximum flow algorithms, feeder and grip design applets. http://riot.ieor.berkeley.edu/riot/

Calculators On-Line Center: Engineering A-ZThe Engineering section of the Calculators On-Line Center covers some 18 headings. These include general engineering unit conversion sites, and specific sites in: acoustics and audio engineering, coastal engineering, engineering design, environmental engineering, fusion and nuclear engineering, industrial engineering (including foundry, pipe, power and steel industries), naval architecture and marine engineering, optics, plastics engineering (including injection moulding), solar engineering, structural engineering, transportation engineering, and welding.
In addition, the section on aeronautics and aerospace engineering covers aerodynamics, aircraft design, composites and structures, orbital mechanics, space flight, stress analysis, thermophysics, wind tunnel and wing analysis. The mechanical engineering section includes automobile engines, bearings and compressors, heating and air conditioning, machining, pumps and valves, snap-fit design, steam, temperature control, thermodynamics, thermoelectric devices, vibration and wind turbines. http://www.martindalecenter.com/Calculators4.html

Mathematical Problems in EngineeringThis journal site includes full-text PDF format articles on mathematical applications to engineering. It covers "rigorous engineering research carried out using mathematical tools" including applications in aerospace engineering, bioengineering, chemical engineering, computer engineering, electrical engineering, industrial engineering and manufacturing systems, and mechanical engineering .
The articles can be browsed by author or by magazine issue and volume number. There is a linked list of forthcoming articles. "Mathematical Problems in Engineering" is published by Hindawi Publishing Corporation. http://www.hindawi.com/journals/mpe/

Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering (JISE)This new journal is published by the Iranian Institute of Industrial Engineering, and is currently freely available. The editor-in-chief is based at the Sharif University of Technology. Recent articles covered project scheduling or layout design of a furniture production line. All articles will be in English. http://www.jise.info/

Advances in engineering educationThis journal site includes a tables of contents and abstracts as well as pdf format full text articles covering engineering education practice, particularly using multimedia.
Information on the scope of the magazine as well as a guide for authors is provided. The journal's editors are a professor of industrial engineering based at the University of Pittsburgh and a member of the American Society for Engineering Education. http://advances.asee.org/

Advanced Manufacturing: Tomorrow's Ideas at Work Today -- an online technical magazine that covers new technology and developments in manufacturing. Provides the full-text of its articles.

American Productivity and Quality Center--services for members include the International Benchmarking Clearinghouse.

American Society for Engineering Education

American Society for Quality--info about standards, training, a glossary of terms, searchable database of publications, and links to related sites.

Athenus -- Engineering and Science Database, "indexes hundreds of thousands of subject-specific web sites, publications, news and other resources, providing users with the most current, most focused collection of topic-specific material on the Internet."

Autonomous Agents at Rock Island Arsenal--projects to demonstrate the use of agents for factory scheduling and simulation.

Best Manufacturing Practices Center of Excellence

Constants and Equations Pages--a project to list and link as many scientific constants and equations as can be found on the net.

Continuing Professional Education for Engineering

Edinburgh Engineering Virtual Library -- has engineering-specific search engines and links to information on specific engineering fields

EEVL -- Hub for Engineering, Mathematics and Computing
"Find articles, key websites, books, the latest industry news, job announcements, ejournals, eprints, technical reports, the latest research and more"

Ergonomics and Biomechanics Sites
Ethics Center for Engineering and Science--contains codes of ethics for some 20 societies, and examples of cases in which those ethical principles are tested.

Graduate Students and Post-doctorates in Science and Engineering--NSF

Greatest Engineering Achievements of the 20th Century -- from the National Academy of Engineering

Index of Technical Societies-- and also a guide to technical books, magazines and trade publications, web sites, and info from the Science and Engineering Data Center.

International Council on Systems Engineering

Manufacturing Engineering -- full-text articles from the monthly publication of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers. Topics include robotics, computer-aided design, turbomachining processes, ergonomics, etc.

Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory -- a division of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. This site includes research project information, photo galleries, and a link to an Engineering Metrology Toolbox.

Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory--of the NIST.

MatWeb--info on over 2000 engineering materials.

Meta-Efficient -- "For a product or technique to be considered meta-efficient it must be: Energy & Resource Efficient, Affordable, Reliable, Non-polluting, and if possible, Portable."

MfgNet-- the manufacturer's internet newsletter, claims to be "your complete online resource for achieving manufacturing excellence."

NASA Tech Briefs: Engineering Solutions for Design and Manufacturing -- updated monthly, this site summarizes technologies developed through NASA research and their commercial applications.

National Standards System Network--provided by the American National Standards Institute.

New Technology and Manufacturing Processes - full text of 15 articles that describe research and innovations at the Pittsburgh Supercomputer Center in the areas of manufacturing process design, design of new materials, and semiconductor design.

On Being a Mentor to Students in Science and Engineering

Public Sector Continuous Improvement Site--articles, case studies, reports, statistics, on improvements in management and technology. Also see its related files on quality improvement.

Robot Information Central--sites for both the robotics engineer and for the hobbyist --newsgroups, indexes, competitions, etc.

Robotics Institute -- includes full-text of technical reports

SciCentral's Gateway to Engineering--an outstanding resource, with "gateways" to sub-disciplines, conferences, journals, news, employment opportunities, funding, etc.

Smithsonian Physical Tables -- many downloadable tables, in .pdf format. Excellent.

Statistical Reports on US Science and Engineering, from NSF

Sustainable Materials -- from "zero-waste" factories to recycling and more. Full-text papers.

US Patent and Trademark Office--offers a searchable full text database of patents since 1976.

Web Clearinghouse for Engineering and Computing Ethics--links to codes of ethics, case studies, online articles, courses, etc.

Zero Waste America--a site devoted to reducing waste from the entire product life cycle, from manufacturing through consumer use. Files on laws and regulation, as well as proposed model legislation, consumer and health information, and more.

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