miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2013

Time in Quantum Mechanics

Time in Quantum Mechanics: The failure of conventional quantum theory to recognize time as an observable and to admit time operators is addressed. We emphasize the role of the Hamiltonian as the generator of translations in time to construct time states.

lunes, 27 de mayo de 2013

An Inquiry-Based Introduction to Proofs

An Inquiry-Based Introduction to Proofs: Introduction to Proofs is a Free undergraduate text. It is inquiry-based, sometimes called the Moore method or the discovery method. It consists of a sequence of exercises, statements for students to prove, along with a few definitions and remarks.

Funky Mechanics Concepts

Funky Mechanics Concepts: The purpose is to develop an accurate physical, conceptual, geometric, and pictorial understanding of important mechanics topics, from basic principles through Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics, including rotation, oscillations, and more.

Introduction to Representations of Real Semisimple Lie Groups

Introduction to Representations of Real Semisimple Lie Groups: These are lecture notes for a one semester introductory course I gave at Indiana University. The goal was to make this exposition as clear and elementary as possible. A particular emphasis is given on examples involving SU(1,1).

Business Communication: Achieving Results

Business Communication: Achieving Results: What is effective communication and how can it be put into practice in business? The book answers this question by first examining contributions of major theorists in the subjects of semantics, linguistics and organizational communication.

jueves, 23 de mayo de 2013

How to Excel at Interviews

How to Excel at Interviews: Whether you are going for your first interview or you want to refresh your interviewing skills, then this book is for you. It contains the fundamentals of interview preparation, ensuring you walk into your interview as prepared as you can be.

Euclid's 'Elements' Redux

Euclid's 'Elements' Redux: Euclid's 'Elements' Redux is an open textbook on mathematical logic and geometry for use in grades 7-12 and in undergraduate college courses on proof writing. It is a new edition of the most successful textbook of all time...

miércoles, 22 de mayo de 2013

Lectures on Integrable Probability

Lectures on Integrable Probability: Topics include integrable models of random growth, determinantal point processes, Schur processes and Markov dynamics on them, Macdonald processes and their application to asymptotics of directed polymers in random media.

Statistical Mechanifesto

Statistical Mechanifesto: This work is aimed at graduate and advanced undergraduate physics students. It contains a better entropy discussion, the Carnot conspiracy, Boltzmann distribution, entropy, free energy, meet Mr. Mole, chemical potential, and much more...

martes, 21 de mayo de 2013

Funky Mathematical Physics Concepts

Funky Mathematical Physics Concepts: This text covers some of the unusual or challenging concepts in graduate mathematical physics. This work is meant to be used with any standard text, to help emphasize those things that are most confusing for new students.

Ergodic Optimization, Zero Temperature Limits and the Max-plus Algebra

Ergodic Optimization, Zero Temperature Limits and the Max-plus Algebra: We review some basic notions in ergodic theory and thermodynamic formalism, as well as introductory results in the context of max-plus algebra, in order to exhibit some properties of equilibrium measures when temperature goes to zero.

Quirky Quantum Concepts

Quirky Quantum Concepts: Wave mechanics, 1D scattering, matrix mechanics, angular momentum, spin-1/2, updated quantum electromagnetic interactions. This work is meant to be used with a standard text, to help emphasize those things that are most confusing for new students.

Elliptic Functions and Elliptic Curves

Elliptic Functions and Elliptic Curves: Contents: Introduction; Abel's Method; A Crash Course on Riemann Surfaces; Cubic curves; Elliptic functions; Theta functions; Construction of elliptic functions; Lemniscatology or Complex Multiplication by Z[i]; Group law on smooth cubic curves.

Funky Electromagnetic Concepts

Funky Electromagnetic Concepts: Funky Electromagnetic Concepts will help you develop an accurate physical, conceptual, geometric, and pictorial understanding of important physics topics: Circuits; Classical Electromagnetics; Relativistic Electromagnetics; etc.

viernes, 17 de mayo de 2013

Tribology in Engineering

Tribology in Engineering: The main goal in preparing this book was to publish contemporary concepts, new discoveries and innovative ideas in the field of surface engineering, predominantly for the technical applications, as well as in the field of production engineering.

Lecture Notes on Free Probability

Lecture Notes on Free Probability: Contents: Non-commutative Probability Spaces; Distributions; Freeness; Asymptotic Freeness of Random Matrices; Asymptotic Freeness of Haar Unitary Matrices; Free Products of Probability Spaces; Law of Addition; Limit Theorems; Multivariate CLT; etc.

Analysis and Linear Algebra for Finance

Analysis and Linear Algebra for Finance: These volumes present the elements of analysis and linear algebra used in financial models and in microeconomics. Functions and matrices are developed in part I and vector spaces, linear mappings and optimization methods are developed in part II.

Kinetic Theory

Kinetic Theory: This is a graduate course on topics in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, covering kinetic theory, stochastic processes and linear response. It is aimed at masters students and PhD students. The full set of lecture notes are around 100 pages.

martes, 14 de mayo de 2013

Phases and Phase Transitions in Disordered Quantum Systems

Phases and Phase Transitions in Disordered Quantum Systems: These lecture notes give a pedagogical introduction to phase transitions in disordered quantum systems and to the exotic Griffiths phases induced in their vicinity. The author also presents a number of experimental examples.

Modern Microeconomics

Modern Microeconomics: Modern microeconomics book explains the advanced version of traditional microeconomic theories. It provides the explanation from consumer utility to general equilibrium in economy. The main emphasis in this book is given on the game theory...

viernes, 10 de mayo de 2013

Water Resources: Planning, Development and Management

Water Resources: Planning, Development and Management: Authors address a broad range of topics that include planning strategies, water quality modeling and monitoring, erosion prediction, freshwater inflows to estuaries, coastal reservoirs, irrigation management, aquifer recharge, and water allocation.

jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

Wood Handbook: Wood as an Engineering Material

Wood Handbook: Wood as an Engineering Material: This handbook is intended to serve as a primary reference on the use of wood in a variety of applications -- from general construction to use of wood for decorative purposes. It provides a source of information on the various properties of wood.

miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2013

Lecture Notes on Embedded Contact Homology

Lecture Notes on Embedded Contact Homology: These notes give an introduction to embedded contact homology (ECH) of contact three-manifolds, gathering many basic notions which are scattered across a number of papers. We also discuss the origins of ECH, including various remarks and examples.

Fundamentals of Construction Management

Fundamentals of Construction Management: This is an important book invaluable to those who require knowledge on managing the construction process. The book is based on research, contemporary construction management and management literature, and the personal work experience of the author.

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013

Introductory Lectures on Quantum Field Theory

Introductory Lectures on Quantum Field Theory: In these lectures we present a few topics in Quantum Field Theory in detail. Some of them are conceptual and some more practical. They have been selected because they appear frequently in current applications to Particle Physics and String Theory.

Time To Find A New Job

Time To Find A New Job: Proven advice, tips and strategies to help you through the job process. This includes: Resume Writing Strategies; The point of the Cover Letter; Creating professional image through your social networks; Preparing yourself for the job search; etc.

viernes, 3 de mayo de 2013

Foundations of Descriptive and Inferential Statistics

Foundations of Descriptive and Inferential Statistics: These lecture notes were written to provide an accessible though technically solid introduction to the logic of systematical analyses of statistical data to undergraduate and postgraduate students in the Social Sciences and Economics in particular.

Managing Diversity

Managing Diversity: This book provides an introduction to the theory and practice of managing diversity. The book covers topics such as: the role of historical struggles in the development of managing diversity practice today, demographic and social change; etc.

Advanced Quantum Mechanics

Advanced Quantum Mechanics: Lecture notes by Professor F. J. Dyson for a course in Relativistic Quantum Mechanics given at Cornell University in the Fall of 1951 for the students who had courses in classical mechanics, electrodynamics and non-relativistic quantum theory.