Fundamental Program of the Calculus: A text in elementary real analysis intended for undergraduate mathematics majors who have just completed their calculus courses. It covers much of the elements for the theory of differentiation and integration in dimension one.
Introduction to Mineralogy: A Collection of Copper Minerals: This paper introduces and describe five species of minerals which are represented in a small collection brought out of the copper mines of Butte, Montana. The species included are native copper, azurite, malachite, rhodocrosite, and chrysocolla.
Basic Concepts in Modal Logic: This is a text for dedicated undergraduates with no previous experience in modal logic. The book should prepare people for reading advanced texts in modal logic, such as Goldblatt, Chellas, Hughes and Cresswell, and van Benthem.
Earth and Environmental Sciences: The aim of this book is to present the reader with a broad overview of Earth and Environmental Sciences. Topics covered: Geology, Geochemistry, Seismology, Hydrology, Hydrogeology, Mineralogy, Soil, Remote Sensing and Environmental Sciences.
Physics of Light and Optics: A book designed for an advanced undergraduate optics course for physics majors. Topics include the propagation of light in matter, reflection and transmission at boundaries, polarization effects, dispersion, coherence, ray optics and imaging, etc.
Statistics: This text was written for an introductory class in Statistics for students in Business, Economics, or Social Science. This is the first and last class in Statistics. It also covers logic and reasoning at a level suitable for a general course.
Heat Conduction: Basic Research: The book covers inverse heat conduction problems, non-linear and non-classic heat conduction equations, coupled thermal and electromagnetic or mechanical effects and numerical methods for solving heat conduction equations as well.
Math in Society: A survey of math for liberal arts majors. Introduces contemporary mathematics topics: voting theory, weighted voting, fair division, graph theory, scheduling, growth models, finance math, statistics, and historical counting systems.
Introduction to Robotics: An overview of robot mechanisms, dynamics, and intelligent controls. Topics include planar and spatial kinematics, and motion planning; mechanism design for manipulators and mobile robots, multi-rigid-body dynamics, 3D graphic simulation; etc.
Precalculus: An Investigation of Functions: A textbook covering a two-quarter precalculus sequence including trigonometry. An emphasis is placed on modeling and interpretation, as well as the important characteristics needed in calculus. Exercises are included in the book.
Calculus: This wikibook aims to be a quality calculus textbook through which users may master the discipline. Standard topics such as limits, differentiation and integration are covered as well as sequences and series, multivariable and differential calculus.
Facultad de Ingeniería-Universidad Nacional de Cuyo- Centro Universitario 5500 - Parque Gral. San Martín -
Teléfono: 4494082
Claudio Fazio,
Adriana Schwer y María Eugenia Grillo
Lic. Esp.Juan Daniel Serrano. -