lunes, 25 de marzo de 2013

Mathematical Formula Handbook

Mathematical Formula Handbook: Contents: Series; Vector Algebra; Matrix Algebra; Vector Calculus; Complex Variables; Trigonometry; Hyperbolic Functions; Limits; Differentiation; Integration; Differential Equations; Calculus of Variations; Functions of Several Variables; etc.

Engineering Seismology, Geotechnical and Structural Earthquake Engineering

Engineering Seismology, Geotechnical and Structural Earthquake Engineering: The book deals with different topics aiming to mitigate geo-hazards: Seismic hazard analysis, Ground investigation for seismic design, assessment and remediation, Earthquake site response analysis and soil-structure interaction analysis.

jueves, 21 de marzo de 2013

Quantum Mechanics

Quantum Mechanics: This text will survey the foundations of quantum mechanics, basic techniques for its application to the real world, and a number of standard examples. It is assumed that you have already had a previous undergraduate course in quantum mechanics.

martes, 19 de marzo de 2013

Euclidean Random Matrices and Their Applications in Physics

Euclidean Random Matrices and Their Applications in Physics: We review the state of the art of the theory of Euclidean random matrices, focusing on the density of their eigenvalues. Both Hermitian and non-Hermitian matrices are considered and links with simpler random matrix ensembles are established.

Introduction to Mechanics of Materials

Introduction to Mechanics of Materials: This book is a pilot course in the Mechanics of Materials (Elasticity and Strength) offered to students throughout the bachelor study. The objective of this course is to develop the ability to analyse a given problem in a simple and logical manner.

lunes, 18 de marzo de 2013

Integral Calculus

Integral Calculus: Contents: Areas, volumes and simple sums; Fundamental Theorem of Calculus; Applications of the definite integral to velocities and rates, calculating volume, mass, and length; Techniques of Integration; Differential Equations; Infinite series...

Engineering Management

Engineering Management: The book synthesises the engineering principles with business practice, i.e. the book provides an interface between the main disciplines of engineering/technology and the organizational, administrative, and planning abilities of management.

Le CORBUSIER - The Chapel Notre-Dame du Haut

Le CORBUSIER - The Chapel Notre-Dame du Haut:


Robotics: Robotics brings together several very different engineering areas and skills: mechanics, electronics, programming... This book tries to cover the key areas of robotics as a hobby. When possible examples from industrial robots will be addressed too.

miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2013

Profit Upgrade

Profit Upgrade: The principles of success apply equally whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur, chief executive of a large public limited company or simply looking for inspiration for your own personal life. Here's where you start, by reading this book.

martes, 12 de marzo de 2013

Orbital Integrals on Reductive Lie Groups and Their Algebras

Orbital Integrals on Reductive Lie Groups and Their Algebras: The purpose is to present a complete course on global analysis topics and establish some orbital applications of the integration on topological groups and their algebras to harmonic analysis and induced representations in representation theory.

Real Analysis

Real Analysis: This introductory book is concerned in particular with analysis in the context of the real numbers. It will first develop the basic concepts needed for the idea of functions, then move on to the more analysis-based topics.


Manifolds: From the table of contents: Manifolds (Elementary Topology and Definitions); The Tangent Space; Maps Between Manifolds; Vector Fields; Tensors; Differential Forms; Connections, Curvature and Metrics; Riemannian Manifolds.

The Benefits of the New Economy: Resolving the Global Economic Crisis Through Mutual Guarantee

The Benefits of the New Economy: Resolving the Global Economic Crisis Through Mutual Guarantee: The aim of the book is to point out the causes of today's economic turmoil and how it can be solved. The road toward solution lies not in any remedy from the past. Rather, it lies with a society where all support each other in mutual guarantee.

String Theory and Branes

String Theory and Branes: This course will introduce string theory, which has become the dominant framework for a complete theory of all physical phenomena. As such it is in some sense a course to introduce the modern view of particle physics at its most fundamental level.

jueves, 7 de marzo de 2013

Learning Statistics with R

Learning Statistics with R: This is an introductory statistics textbook pitched primarily at psychology students. It covers the standard topics of such a book: study design, descriptive statistics, the theory of hypothesis testing, t-tests, X2 tests, ANOVA and regression.

lunes, 4 de marzo de 2013

Recruitment and Selection: Hiring the people you want

Recruitment and Selection: Hiring the people you want: Discover a wide range of skills and techniques that will help you master the selection process. Not only will you be able to run efficient recruitment campaigns, you will also achieve your main aim which is getting people or person that you want.