lunes, 30 de julio de 2012

An Introduction to Mathematics

An Introduction to Mathematics: This distinguished book is an introduction to a series of mathematical concepts, a history of their development, and a concise summary of how today's reader may use them. An expertly written book by a brilliant man, filled with valuable insights.

Digital Systems Design

Digital Systems Design: Fundamentals of digital system concepts such as logic gates for combinatorial logic circuit design and higher level logic elements such as counters and multiplexers. Undergraduates in computer science, engineering or IT will find it useful.

Methods for Finding Zeros in Polynomials

Methods for Finding Zeros in Polynomials: Polynomials are the first class of functions that the student meets. Therefore, one may think that they are easy to handle. They are not in general! Topics as e.g. finding roots in a polynomial and the winding number are illustrated.